5 Expenses Covered By Workers' Comp Employers May Reject

Workers may require various accommodations to recover from work-related injuries. Your employer may view some of these treatments as unnecessary luxuries and refuse to pay for them. However, it is important to remember that the decision to prescribe these treatments lies with your treating physician or may be covered by workers' compensation benefits.

Here are five benefits you can receive at the expense of your employer:

  • Home Improvements: Medical treatments or injuries may require home modifications to adjust to a new lifestyle.
  • Transportation: If you don't have a reliable way to get to your appointments, your employer can provide rides at their expense. If you're able to drive, they can reimburse you for mileage.
  • Hotel accommodations: If you need to have surgery and rehabilitation away from home, your employer may cover the cost of living arrangements closer to the medical facility.
  • Mental Health Therapy: When jobs are inherently dangerous or workplace violence occurs, it can cause severe mental trauma. Your doctor may refer you to a mental health specialist for support.
  • Interview coaching: If you can't go back to your job after an injury and reach the maximum medical improvement (MMI) cap, you can ask for vocational rehabilitation at your employer's cost. Vocational rehabilitation can put you at risk of losing your workers comp payments.

It can be challenging to comprehend what benefits are included and charged to your employer, and seeking help from the wrong source can result in losing your workers' compensation benefits. To prevent jeopardizing your wage loss payments or benefits, take action and consult with a workers' compensation attorney who comprehends the nuances of your benefits.

Morring Law has a proven track record of helping clients receive more benefits than anticipated. This is because we have an in-depth understanding of the fine print of their claims, can navigate through the system with ease, and are not afraid to stand up to intimidating employers and their teams. Avoid any confusion about your benefits and contact us today at 855-MOR-COMP or 757-223-1107.

Categories: Firm News